I’m pretty sure today is Thursday, and it is Day 7 of my self-imposed lockdown. I’m still working from home, so that hasn’t changed, but I am starting to think ahead to getting some new books to fill my kindle (as you can see, I occasionally also grab physical books).
I love to read. I don’t have one particular genre that is a go-to, but I tend to stay away from horror. I do love spy novels, mysteries, classics, travel tales and “women’s fiction” (whatever that means). I also tend to go back and read all the novels of an author if I happen upon a later work that I love.
I’m doing that right now with the novels of Ann Patchett. I loved “Commonwealth,” and it set me on a wander through all of her other fiction. I haven’t read them in order, but I am now on the last one from those already published: “Taft.” While I do have a couple of other options waiting for me, I thought I’d like to read your suggestions.
So, here is the question for today: What are you reading?
As always, thanks for playing along and stay healthy!
Thanks for your post.