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30-Day Decluttering Challenge: Day 1

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know that I love taking a decluttering challenge. Programs like 30-day minimalism, Project 333, and other challenges inspire me. They get me moving, and I need to get into an organization mindset early this year. So, I’m starting with a classic 30-day decluttering challenge.

30-Day Decluttering Challenge Day 1: Medicine

This year, I am starting my decluttering challenge slowly. No plans to remake the entire apartment in 24 hours (though that would be amazing). Instead, in 2023, I’m starting with a small-scale declutter: medicine chest/drawers.

Get Rid of OTC Items

I did this once last year, and it felt good. So, I’m suggesting that if you need a place to start, this is it. Why? There’s no emotional attachment to old over-the-counter medications. I properly disposed of expired allergy pills, cough medicine, and vitamins. Stretched-out ace bandages that were long past their usefulness also went out.

Dispose of Prescription Meds

Do you have expired prescription meds? Check with your local police department, hospital, or pharmacy to see what they recommend. My dad recently passed, and we made sure that all his prescription meds were dropped off at the local police department after we blacked out his name and address.

One tip – while you need to black out the personal information, you must leave the information about the drug in place so that they can dispose of the items correctly.

Toss Old Lotions, Shampoos, and Styling Products

While going through the bathroom, linen closet drawers, or dressing table, make note of the expiration dates of old lotions and hair products. Yes, they will often outlive their expiration dates, but if you have a cream that expired years ago, it’s time for it to go. You may actually be damaging your skin if you still use it. And if you aren’t using it, you can free up some much-needed space by finally getting rid of it.

I also went through our bin of little plastic bottles of shampoos, conditioners, and body washes from our travels. While most were still in good condition, some bottles were definitely past their prime. Also, I recycled bottles that had been damaged at some point. The last thing I need is a leaking bottle of shampoo in my luggage.

Wipe Down Containers

Once you have decluttered and minimized the contents of your bins, drawers, or medicine cabinets, take a moment to wipe out the containers or spruce up the shelves. It will only take an extra five or ten minutes, but it always feels good to me when it is done. There’s something positive and motivating about starting fresh.

And voila! Day 1 of the 30-day decluttering challenge is done.

Visit us here for more decluttering, organization, and minimalism tips.