How are you feeling about the decluttering challenge so far? While I continue to munch on some delicious treats (cookies for January!), I thought I’d update you with where I am so far. My office and part of the front garden have already seen decluttering action. Here is where I am:
Day 1:
One (1) pile of junk mail was swept off my desk and into recycling. It took less than two minutes to go through it, and my workspace is much less cluttered. When my desk is less cluttered, my brain feels less cluttered.
Day 2:
Two (2) sterno cans that have been sitting on our counter since our wine event in November were taken to the city’s hazardous waste recycling center. Woo!
This was pure procrastination clutter. I get why we didn’t do it before now – it is an effort to fit their open hours into our motivated hours. I felt harried this Fall as it was. Still, I feel wildly accomplished now that they are gone.
Day 3:
Three (3) pieces of misdirected mail were taken to the post office. When we moved, we missed a lot of mail because people didn’t take mail that failed to be forwarded back to the post office (even though we made those arrangements with the post office, these things don’t always happen). The mail was just returned to the sender with “not at this address” written on it. Because of that, I’m determined to take everything to the post office and ask them to forward it.
Day 4:
Four (4) dead blueberry seedling plants were given a proper burial. I hoped to add lowbush blueberry plants to our more mature highbush plant. In theory, you get a better yield when you mix varieties. Alas, something ate our seedlings – completely stripped the leaves in December. Rude!
Luckily, the more mature highbush plants (these are the ones that are already yielding delicious blueberries multiple times a year) weren’t attacked. I haven’t given up on getting them a different variety, but I need to get new ones that are more firmly rooted and robust than the baby seedlings we couldn’t save. Lessons learned.
How is your decluttering challenge?