I bought a pack of bamboo dish drying racks from Amazon a few months ago. My initial goal was to use them as drying racks and for organizing our baking trays, tins, and cutting boards. This mission was accomplished, but the pack left me with two additional racks that sat on the shelf in our pantry for months. Until now!

I have never had a great place to store my vinyl records. Our existing bookshelves aren’t deep enough, and we live in a rental, so I wasn’t going to invest in hanging display shelves to showcase the covers. Sadly, that means my vinyl has been hidden in a storage trunk for years. That made it a pain in the butt to ever get them out and play them. And, honestly, if something is in a trunk, it’s like it doesn’t exist to me. I’m very much an out-of-sight, out-of-mind person. Not great.
Also, most of the records were inherited from my mother. There are some holiday LPs from my childhood, some Broadway soundtrack records from the original casts, and at least one delightful ABBA album. While they are sentimental rather than collectibles, I haven’t wanted to get rid of them. My mother loved music, and I’m not ready to let them go now that she has passed.

I was sitting in the office and suddenly remembered the extra bamboo dish drying rack pack. I popped them together, secured them with a mallet, and started pulling out my albums. Voila! Now I can easily access the records. They also make me smile because I can finally see them. And you know that those Rudolph and Frosty records will finally get played during the holidays this year!

It was an important lesson for me to remember. There are always ways to repurpose items in your house. Just because the packaging suggests dish drying doesn’t mean that a bamboo dish drying rack won’t make a terrific display holder and organizer for your vinyl LPs. And I didn’t have to go out and buy another bin or bookcase. This feels like an organizing victory to me.
If you are interested in getting the same rack we bought, you can visit the page on Amazon. We might get a very small commission from their affiliate program if you do.

For other organization and decluttering tips, visit our other articles here.